Bed room window coverings design

When selecting window treatments for your home, it's important to consider the individual needs of each room. Professional designers will tell you that there are four factors to consider for every space. These are light control, privacy, aesthetics and heat insulation. An ideal window treatment is a synthesis of all four of these elements, and you will need to take the requirements of the room into consideration.

Bedroom window treatments can be one of the trickiest of all to put together. Most people rate their bedroom as the most crucial and personal space in the home. Considering that it is where one traditionally sleeps, relaxes and spends a majority of their private time, the bedroom is often characterized as a "sanctuary" or "refuge" from daily life. For bedroom window treatments, privacy and light control can be crucial. Early morning or ambient light can disrupt sleep patterns. Meanwhile, the sleeping space is one of the most personal environments in the house and many homeowners rate it as the second most private area in the home, following the bathroom. Taking this into consideration, most people spend a lot of time in the bedroom and you want bedroom window treatments to be aesthetically fashionable

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