Point of view of the discussion .. the demolition of the nation in the hands of some of the children

. Dr. Mustafa Al-Saadani
Professor in the treatment of Jinan Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 1934

 Point of view of the discussion .. the demolition of the nation in the hands of some of the children
Dear Valentines

Said that the English colonial policy is one of the
Most insidious strategic policy in the long
Run in the world, if we look at the map of hotbeds of war
And conflicts in today's world, we find that Okbutha
Obeefha solution and industry purely English, and I shall give
Examples but not limited to the problem of Palestine, "a
Or problems in centuries past and present, and initiated by the
Balfour and Foreign Minister of England in 1917, his promise
Ominous to the Zionists a national home for Jews in Palestine! ",
The problem of Kashmir between Pakistan and India, and the problem of South
And northern Sudan, and the problem of the distribution of Nile water
Among the upstream and downstream states, and future problems
I think she will make a future US-North
Rich and poor southern states in the United States
America, between the U.S. and English-speaking States
French-speaking Canada, and other intractable problems
Lots and lots !!!!..
I have found in this article the same approach the English colonial
In the Indian subcontinent (including India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
And Sri Lanka), and the role of English in the demolition of ugly succession
Islamic Ottoman Empire, and all calls for the demolition of concepts
Islamic religious liberal calling for the revival of Islam
And Muslims and reunite and unify the Muslims,
And the restoration of the Muslims for their honor and dignity and confirm
The importance of Islamic identity in themselves and their faith,
As we shall see in this article as the means of destructive
Various and numerous, they are really weapons
Malicious act on the long-term perspective is,
Western colonialism has been used such lethal weapons
To disperse and destroy the power of the Muslims at the level of
Persons, families and communities, and even at the level of
Peoples and leaders alike, here is the subject

It was the Indian leader Gandhi of the few leaders who have won fame in this day and age, where we said fragrance is accompanied by his praise, and that champion of nonviolent resistance, which the West wants to export to the Islamic world, and remind them in every occasion .. So the question is what the secret of this man who suddenly appeared on the political scene in Indian homes?

The answer to this question requires us to go back to the century in 1916, which saw the start of the modern wars of the Crusades.

The aim of the new wave of the Crusades Europe in the century in 1916 is to rally around the Islamic world from behind to strangle him economically, in order to weaken the two Mamluk and Ottoman, but Europe was surprised that the depth of the Islamic runs in the unity of religious unique and dangerous until it reaches the Philippine Islands, Mara, India, which raised the appetite of Europeans alone surprisingly, being one of the greatest centers in Islamic Economics at that time,
The Europeans took advantage of this tolerance of Muslim Mughal Sultan (face-Inker) they began to infiltrate India as traders, so as to enable the English (William Hawkins) of the Sultan interview (face-Inker)
In (1017 AH / 1608) in his capacity as envoy of the English King (James I),
Has tried (William Hawkins) his meeting with the Sultan investment (face-Inker)
That takes him a courtesy letter to the king (James I)
But the prime minister at the court of the Sultan replied by saying:

(Which it does not fit as much as the king of Mughal Muslim to write a book to master a small island inhabited by hunters!).

He knew that the British and the presence of Islamic rule in India can slow their dreams Crusade
Therefore contented themselves with what was formed other than the East India Company of the English trade in India and neighboring countries in the year (1009 AH / 1600 AD).

With time, the East India Company to expand and increase its branches throughout India, and with the fact that this time I started the company and its subsidiaries unfolding was not only military bases, English, and hotbeds of espionage goal was to recruit young Muslims from hypocrites, and customers of the sons of Hindus and Sikhs.

In (1170 AH / 1757) At the time of Safavid Iranian Shiite invasion of India
The army of the British East India Company to exploit this critical juncture
Thus enable the defeat of the Muslims in the region of Bengal in the battle (of Plassey), which is the first crucial battles between the parties, has been to them with the help of the hypocrites, and customers who have been recruited over the decades, but the British occupation of India is not only after a century
After fierce battles between the two sides, ended isolate (Bahadur Shah) last Muslim sultans and exiled to Burma where he died in (1279 AH / 1862)
So it has had in Britain (1275 / 1858) to include India to the British Crown formally, to become the crown jewel of the British since that date.

Approximation Hinadkp:
He knew the British occupation it is impossible to accept that Muslims in India to succumb to the policy of fait accompli and that says (Alenbero) British Governor in India:
(The Islamic factor in India's arch-enemy of Britain, although British policy should aim to bring the elements of Hinduism, for help in eliminating the threat posed to Britain in this country).

In (1303 AH / 1885) Britain has established the Indian National Congress, through this party was the revival of ancient pagan Hindu nationalism, to be of help to Britain in the fight against Islam and Muslims in the Indian subcontinent.

Britain's policy towards Muslims:

It was Britain knew that their survival in India will not be sustained under the resistance of Islamic solid solubility and refuses to lie down and beg for the occupier,
Therefore resorted to a series of steps aimed at disrupting and breaking this resistance,


1 - the establishment of the massacres of Muslims everywhere, and that says a British book:
(What our soldiers committed to the injustice and brutality, and the burning and killing, we do not find a parallel in any age).

2 - nerve transplant ignorance within the Muslim community, where they divided Muslims to social communities, and forced them to register themselves officially as the sectarian division.

3 - tampering methods of education to serve the policy of the British occupation, which made Muslims averse to secular schools for fear on the doctrine of their children.

4 - published dissolution and promiscuity, pornography and corruption.

5 - established destructive movements, support and use Aasim by the name of Islam such as the Qadiani, which has denied the principle of seal of prophecy, and renounced jihad and resistance against the occupation and called for obedience to the English and the admission policy of fait accompli.

6 - falsification of history of the jihadist Muslim nation by the publication of books and literature, which has renounced jihad and resistance, and the Orientalist book, Thomas Arnold: the call to Islam.

7 - keep scientists, isolating them from the leadership and guidance of the Muslim masses.

8 - a national Muslim leaders, is proud Bakomithaaly Hsabantmaiha to their religion and converted to Islam, was among those persons who have graduated from schools and secular colleges.

Industry Gandhi:

Died when the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed God's mercy (886), which is besieging Rome
Called on the Pope in Rome, the Christians in Europe to pray Thank God in celebration death of Muhammad the Conqueror.

This state of terror and panic were not to lose Europe Crusade in approach to the Islamic world, so it was most serious work done by Britain to abolish the Islamic Caliphate and drop the Ottoman Empire, fragmenting the Arab and Muslim world, so you do not have Europe to establish a prayer of thanks once again.

Britain has led the crusade to cancel the Islamic caliphate to raise the spirit of the Islamic resistance in India,
Including the establishment of the Muslim Association of saving in succession (1920 m),
They collect (seventeen million rupees) for this purpose.

Here, suddenly surfaced person named Hindu (Gandhi)

The Association approached to save the Caliphate and ask them the idea of cooperation with the Indian National Congress,
Muslims welcomed this, and to convene the first meeting between the parties,
Muslims launch slogan of India's independence from Britain,
Rather than the idea of reforming the case of India, which was the slogan of the National Conference,
But (Gandhi) opposed this proposal and inhibited the motivational,
In (1921 AD) parties held an important meeting which enables Muslims to impose logo independence from Britain, they have formed a national government to run the country.

This dangerous development were not Britain to allow him to drop the corruption of her delight at the Ottoman Empire
The Islamic world, so they (Reading), British Governor of India to the meeting (Gandhi)
And said to him:

(The source of the independence movement in India are Muslims, and objectives in the hands of their leaders,
If we answer your demands, we sent you the reins of government, became the country's Muslims,
The right way is to seek a first to break the power of the Muslims,
In cooperation with Britain, then Britain would not pause to recognize your independence,
And hand the reins of power in the country to you).

Based on the coordination and understanding, which was between (Reading) and (Gandhi)
Britain has the arrest of Muslim leaders advocate of independence,
The path had been cleared for (Gandhi) who asked the Organisation of Islamic Conference Hindu,
To hand over his reins of power temporarily due to Britain was arrested on the Muslim leaders, and when the first meeting under the chairmanship of (Gandhi)
Do what was agreed upon with the British Governor (Reading)
It was announced that the time was not yet ripe for India's independence.

In the period from (1921 - 1948 AD), we find that Britain had been applied in India was applied
In Palestine with the Zionists

[See the biblical roots of British policy - Article Writer page in the site],

Where the Hindus arming and training, and coordination with them for the establishment of the massacres of Muslims,
As for Gandhi, who became everything after polished in the play denying provisional to South Africa
The massacre of the cultural ugly of Islamic civilization in India,
In that Mr Anwar says the soldier may God have mercy on him:

(I've been invited Gandhi to what he called the discovery of the Spirit Indian heart, and return to the Indian civilization, is tantamount to a declaration of war on Islamic civilization that lived on the land of India four centuries, and changed all the concepts of social and political life and economic development, but it has changed the concepts of Hinduism itself) .

When the court is satisfied on the ability of Britain Hindu India's rule arranged things for the independence of India.

It was the year (1948 AD) the last chapter of the play Gandhi and Britain
Where the right to deprive people of India to declare independence from Britain in that year,

But the play of peaceful resistance which Gandhi has the role of the hero still exposed to this day.

It remains to point out that the spark of hatred must be the brunt of its fire,
Gandhi, murdered, died when the independence of India,
Then followed in 1978 the last British Governor of India where he was killed by Irish rebels,

And most helpless of God
But most people do not know.


D. Khalid bin Mohammed al-Ghaith
Umm Al-Qura University - Faculty of Law
Department of History and Islamic Civilization

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